Tuesday, December 4, 2007

One shot of love with Princess Tyla Lambo?

I just want to be with you so bad, specially since I just found out that you have 6 special needs sisters. Sometimes since you're bi-sexual I feel that you wouldn't understand the things a special needs child can offer you emotionally because you're too busy being confused about which crotch you like,....Penis or Vagina?,...Your life must be really hard. All these tough decisions, all this confusion, all this drama,..
I sometimes think that people are so self involved that they can't see the future. Imagine for a minute that I was Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and in real life I was a drug addict (which he is) and just down the road from me was the real life actress who played Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher who is also into drugs) but we never hung out and did drugs together,.....that would be such a waste of time. Or what if we did hang out and do crazy drugs together?.. and we started getting into a crazy heated sex mission. Then mid 69 somewhere between where the two holes meet we came to the sobering realization that we're brother and sister!! Oh my god Hans Solo is going to be so mad! But it's ok because he's been high on ice and lost somewhere in east La for the last couple of years,...or did he play in that movie about the Guy that liked shrimp who had the retard friend who ran and ran and ran,...and was in the army. Who knows hey? I know I don't anymore,..too many drugs in a dirty apartment somewhere in LA. with some prostitute I kept calling princess solo,..who knew?

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